Avatar – About Humans and Animals
Avatar – About Humans and Animals
Flowers and dancers both possess a grace and beauty that is unique to their form. Whether it’s the vibrant hues and intricate patterns of a flower’s petals or the fluid movements and precise technique of a dancer, both can capture the imagination and leave a lasting impression. Flowers, with their delicate petals and intricate designs, are often seen as symbols of beauty and grace. They come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes, each one distinct and special in its own way. Whether it’s the soft pastels of a rose or the vibrant oranges and yellows of a sunflower, each flower has its own unique charm that can captivate and inspire those who behold it.
Similarly, dancers possess a grace and beauty that can leave audiences spellbound. The way they move with fluidity and precision, seemingly effortlessly gliding across the stage, can be a truly mesmerizing sight. Whether it’s the precise footwork of a ballerina or the sensual movements of a contemporary dancer, each style of dance has its own unique beauty that can evoke a range of emotions in those who watch it. Both flowers and dancers have the ability to create a sense of wonder and awe in those who observe them. They are both forms of art that require skill, dedication, and passion to create, and their beauty can often transcend language and cultural barriers. Whether it’s the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of a flower or the precise movements and elegant lines of a dancer, both have the power to move us in ways that words cannot express.
In conclusion, the grace and beauty of flowers and dancers are truly something to behold. They are both forms of art that can capture the imagination and evoke a sense of wonder and awe in those who witness them. Whether it’s the delicacy and vibrancy of a flower or the precision and fluidity of a dancer, their beauty is a testament to the power of art to inspire and enchant us.
Related to the series „Circus“, the impersonators of the clown bear a long meaningful and varied tradition with significant variations in costume and performance. The modern clown character developt out of the italian Commedia dell‘arte which are based on the „rustic fool“ characters of ancient Greek and Roman theatre. Their entertainment is generally designed to amuse a large auience – funny, foolish and ironic at the same time. It‘s the masquerading that combines the two faces and let‘s change unpredictably the clownesque happiness and purity of heart into either unmasking reflection or – as in horror movies – demonical possession and rather schizophrenic disorder. At last the depersonalisation of the clown evokes an impotence of the vis-à -vis and gives room to the contemplators projection who is becoming a part of the orchestration. With it’s marked gestures, it’s distance through the masquerade and the staging in a purged space makes it so excessive and direct. Buehlers highest demands of the perfect shot upheave the subject through conciseness to an icon.
In the remote Omo valley, southwest of Ethiopia, where the earliest known Homo sapiens remains have been found, reside over 500,000 indigenous tribal people.The tribes have been painting their bodies with pulverized minerals for millenia. The Series was taken in 2013 with the kind support of Leica Switzerland. The complete set of photographs contains more than 400 portraits of members of several different tribes.
A folk etymology is that drag is an acronym of „Dressed Resembling A Girl“ in description of male theatrical transvestism. Men performing as women was mandated in early theater in England around 1660. Women were not allowed to perform on stage. While drag is very much associated with gay culture, there are drag artists of all sexualities and gender identities. The first photograph were taken at the Cabaret Club in Saint Petersburg, Russia with many more sessions following in the Ukriane, Switzerland, Spain and other countries.
Prägende Zuger Frauen unverkennbar erlebbar machen. Kunst und Fotografie verschmelzen mit Gesellschaftspolitik. Das Werk erzählt Geschichten – entspannt und spannend. Den Betrachtenden wird die Möglichkeit geboten, sich individuell überraschen zu lassen und einzutauchen in Kunst und Ereignisse. Unaffektiert und doch lebhaft
Frauen prägen. Zug bietet unzählig erkannte und unerkannte Persönlichkeiten, die bewegen. Im Kleinen und im Grossen. Einige haben schon eine Plattform erhalten. Das Werk möchte diese und diejenigen, die nie im Rampenlicht standen, genau so zeigen, wie sie sind und vielleicht nie wahrgenommen wurden.
Für die Bildserie haben sich die beiden Zuger Fotografen Pit Bühler und Gerry Ebner vereint und schaffen bewusst mit zwei unterschiedlichen Fotografie-Stilen ein einzigartiges Gesamt Artwork. Eine Bild-Kombination von Frauen, Bäumen, Blumen und Street Art. Begleitet von Texten, die die Porträt-Reihe abrunden und den Frauen das Wort übergeben.
CG Marketing.Kommunikation | Claudia Gautschi |+41 41 761 29 29Â |cg@c-g.ch
There is a common misconception that cowboys only exist in the American West. However, Russia has its own version of cowboys found in the western part of Russia, near the town of Bryansk.The portrait series was taken in 2017 with the kind corporation of Miratorg, a leading producer and supplier of meat products in Russia.