What, if the monkey is released…

Online Magazin | www.globesession.com | Switzerland

Online Magazin | Interview Artmoire.art| Italy

Online Magazin | Interview zentralplus.ch| Switzerland

August 2018 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

May 2018| NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

April 2018 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

March 2018 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Beilage Kulturmagazin | Switzerland

November 2017 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

November 2017| Circus Zeitung | Switzerland

January 2016| NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

November 2016 | Graphic Art Magazin | Switzerland

July 2015 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

December 2014 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

November 2014| Leica Magazin | Switzerland

March 2014 | Leica Gallerie | Switzerland

January 2014 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

January 2014 | NZZ Neue Zuger Zeitung | Switzerland

May 2013 | Various Newspapers Wyden | Switzerland

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